Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Blog 1

This clip uses a rhetoric basis of persuasion with a sublime approach. The way this is created is because there are two 'speakers' evident, one being the dominate verbal speaker (G Edward Griffin) and the video creator (Hijackednation). The verbal message or words becomes that of the rhetoric structure and the video that of the sublime in its style. It is with this dual intertwining that structure and style blend two theories together.

As far as the rhetoric structure goes, there are many aspects of this theory evident within the video. Aristotle's 'On Rhetoric' states that there are three forms of persuasion: there are "some...in the character [ethos]... some in the speech [logos] ... [and some] to feel emotion [pathos]" (Aristotle 115). Due to the "genera of rhetoric" (Aristotle 116) chosen, that of deliberative and specifically that of dissuasion (a sub set within deliberative as discussed by Aristotle), the ethos used by the speaker is an 'anti' ethos of sorts as seen at time markers 3:46, 5:30, and 6:45 where G Edward Griffin debases the character of all those involved in the Federal Reserves actions including the government and the banking cartels. Where logos is concerned, it is abundant through out the video in the form of explanations of how the Federal Reserve functions, basic economy and other points of data as seen in time markers 3:46 and when the constitution is brought into the discussion at 7:20. Even though logos and ethos are the predominate factors in the verbal portions there is a sense of ethos towards the end. However this over laps with the video aspect and ties in with the sublime theory. Logos, though, becomes the one aspect of rhetoric that is a commonality between it and the sublime.

Although Longinus may argue that things sublime are not accessible by rhetoric definitions, his document "On Sublimity" has many aspects that are seen in the style of this Youtube clip. Longinus explains that "there are...five most productive sources of sublimity" (Longinus 138). The three that Hijackednation meets the most are "the power to conceive great thought...strong and inspired emotion [and] diction" (Longinus 138). In the first aspect, that of "the power to conceive great thoughts" he discusses the idea of imitations of earlier writers. Hijackednation is the epitome of this concept. He crafts the words of G Edward Griffin into something he saw could be more then the original, elevating it above its original conception. He twins in voices of others but allows Mr Griffins to be the focal orator of his grander vision. In the second source, that of "strong and inspired emotion" the clip utilizes both subtle and overt uses. Ominous Music and corrupt images are threaded throughout that touch on what Hijackednation is trying to evoke in his audience leading up to the time marker 9:38 where a section of a caller is heard who is outraged at what is happening. Her emotional resonance sparks in the audience the same reflection. The images he uses however have a double use that over laps with the final point of "Diction" specifically that of metaphor. Through out the video are seen images that he likens to each of the aspects he's arguing against. The federal reserve is seen as a black hole, the government and bank cartel are shown with corrupt images of pigs and demons. He uses pictures that illicit grandeur notions applicable to the idea of sublime diction.

Email: satd1@hotmail.com

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