Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Last One

Typically these discussion have been directed to be how a theory applies to a video, yet in the case of "Orientalism", the ideas that Edward Said postulates on are such that they go beyond many of his possible original intentions. Take the video of the "New York Mosque" issue for example. Said may argue that "Orientalism is not a mere political subject" (Said 1875) yet the political agendas of the worlds governments are where this concept essential now lie. Now some may say that the power of the scholar can supersede that of any thing else but when the assembly line that is media, society, individual is controlled by a government a sole author may not be up to that type of power structure. The core of Said's arguement that IS true to his theory is when he states that "orientalism as a Western style for dominanting, restructuring, and having authority over the Orient" (Said 1868). This statement, at it core, describes the United States. Okay, so who is the United States (since some may need overt definition of possible vague terms). Well, that would depend on the context. In this case it would easily define the ruling government class, media and general society and would obviously exclude individuals that oppose this ideology. Said may not have intended his theory to apply so strongly to the political realm, yet it is the political realm that has the biggest effect on Americans in our current day and age. And for those who scoff at the notion that main stream media is controlled by the government, any low level research will easily prove this (and so I wont waste my time here attempting any persuasion to this degree). So what does this idea of "Orientalism", government, and this video have to do with anything? Well, it can be argued that this is the exact embodiment of how our Government and Media conduct itself on a day to day basis and its effects of how "we", as Said describes as, "dominating, restructuring" etc... the "other". Simply this, issue of the Mosque in NY is a concentrated effect of "Orientalism". How so? Simple. The government has focused its "orientalist" policy on the middle east fullfilling in every way the quote previously given by Said. (I won't get into conspiricy theory's over 9/11) Yet no one can argue that an event transpired on US soil that gave the government and media a way to dominate, restructure and have authority over sections of the middle east. Not so? Look at the war. It fulfills every aspect of Said's reasoning behind this. But the mosque itself shows how Orientalism effects both the society targeted as the other and that of the society perpetuating it. Orientalism allows for a control mechanism to be put in place to control two society for the price of one. Want to create violence and deep seeded hate in two societies? Orientalism as a political policy is your answer. Make the US hate "the other" and in turn make them hate the US even more. Force that wedge even further by making it so a whole race of people are condemned through continuous media exposure. So why would a people hated so much by the US want to even meet half way and discuss why it may not be seen as a way of extending a hand to bridge the gap of hate when "we" have already shown "ourselves" to never negotiate with "terrorists". Maybe the reasoning behind the mosque (as stated again to bridge this gap of hate) has been decided to be forced down the throats of a people unwilling to listen. It comes down to "Orientalism" halting any way of compromising even being an option. It is a response that creates a reflection that reflects a never ending effect between the "West and the east".

Said, Edward. "Orientalism"

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